Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Skincare Routine

I was invited to Menard event last week, I got the chance to try their skin check system. I never used any of Menard product before, the only thing I know about Menard is their lipstick because my mom used to  wear their lipstick but I have read quite a lot of review about their skincare product so, why not?

The condition of my skin is not good. My skin is a month older than my actual age (ʃ_⌣̀ )/|| I never used any skincare product before so yeah... They told me to star using sunblock and give my skin some love. They gave me some products to try and I've been using it regularly since the day they gave it to me till now. 

1. Tsukika Cleansing Cream
2. Tsukika Washing Cream
3. Beauness Toner

Those are the products given to me by Menard. After using it regularly for a week, I could see the difference on my skin. I have a problem with acne and these Menard babies help me a lot. Really. My favourite is the beauness toner, they said it could help me with my acne problem and they're totally right. Thanks Menard!

Don't forget to come to their upcoming event;
Japan Beauty Week located at Atrium Plaza Senayan
Saturday, January 25 from 15.00 - 15.45
See you guys there? 


  1. kalau mau beli produknya menard dmn ya ?

  2. thanks for dropping by my blog. :) and yaay for new vanity discoveries!

  3. I think considering that you rarely use skincare products, the test came out good :) I mean it is a month older and no more... Thanks for the review I will definitely wanna check it out

    Take care



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