Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012

A guide to casual sportswear this summer

Sports casual wear is going to be incredibly popular as summer rolls around.
Combining comfort with practicality, and a unique style that can hold its own against
any of the other season’s trends, this look is sure to be a huge trend.

Tracksuit bottoms

Tracksuit bottoms offer such great levels of comfort and versatility that they have
become a wardrobe staple for many young people around the country. When
looking for a decent pair of tracksuit bottoms, ensure that you don’t go for a pair
with an over-complicated print or design. Subtlety really is the way forward.

If you need a helping hand searching for tracksuit bottoms, check out the range of
Pineapple dance wear, available at Very. They produce cool, understated designs
that are perfect for a summer of strenuous physical activity – or a summer of relaxed
casual wear!


With such a wide variety of trainers on offer, it’s incredibly easy to find a shoe that
fits your specific needs and style. Remember though, that there are huge differences
between a shoe designed with active sports participation in mind, and a pair
intended to be worn as an everyday style.

Many high-end shoe designers have now begun to design trainers, and the fashion
has moved beyond your traditional sports manufacturers. Take the time to seek
out a trainer from a reputable clothes designer if you’d like something a little more

Casual sports jackets

These combine the many features that you would hope to find on a quality sports
jacket with the style of casual wear. The use of waterproof material is common,
and breathability and flexibility will also be key features. This makes these designs
ideal for summer, giving you a stylish, lightweight jacket which can cope with the
unpredictability of the British weather when needed.

You’ll also find that such sports jackets come in an incredibly diverse range of
styles, designs and colours. This means that you can find the perfect fashionable
accompaniment to your summer wardrobe with no difficulty at all.

There are a number of new casual sports jackets that have expropriated the denim
look, despite being made from a combination of washed-down linen and cotton. This
makes them remarkably breathable and comfortable whilst still looking fabulous.