Hi there! I've decided to stop writing on this blog but you'll still be able to access it and read it anytime you want, but if you'd like to read my latest post, do check out my new blog www.gabriellaolivia.cc and read this post to understand why I need a new blog. To you guys who's still reading this post to this day, thank you so much!
(polkadots dress - bangkok, Belt - Zara, Candy Bag - Furla, Socks - Stradivarius, Mary Jane - June+Julia) Just another daily o...
just got back from singapore yesterday. yup, i spent my holiday there with Stephanie (i'll probably post about my holiday here when the...
I used to hate wearing white but lately I've been getting a lot of white clothes & shoes and I love it. I don't understand...
Thursday, January 3, 2019
this is not goodbye.
Hi there! I've decided to stop writing on this blog but you'll still be able to access it and read it anytime you want, but if you'd like to read my latest post, do check out my new blog www.gabriellaolivia.cc and read this post to understand why I need a new blog. To you guys who's still reading this post to this day, thank you so much!
Monday, October 23, 2017
ZAP Beauty Lip Matte | REVIEW
Sebelum aku mulai reviewnya, aku kasih background story sedikit dulu ya. Aku itu suka banget beli lipstick, berbagai macam warna, tekstur, dan brand (lokal maupunnon-lokal). Tapi, aku jarang banget nemuin yang formulanya enak dipakai seharian dibibir. Banyak lipstick yang ga nyaman dipakai dibibir dan aku gak suka. Sekarang kan lagi trend banget tuh liquid lipstick, aku juga sudah coba hampir semua brand yang ngeluarin liquid lipstick, ada beberapa yang nyaman tapi lebih banyak yang very drying on the lips dan patchy (salah satu brand MakeUp ternama yang ga usah disebut lah ya merknya) hehe.
Beberapa minggu lalu, aku punya 3 warna liquid lipstick dari ZAP Beauty dan aku sudah coba ini selama hampir 2 minggu. Suprisingly, aku suka sekali. Kita bahas satu-satu ya, dari mulai packaging, formula, pilihan warna dan staying powernya.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel | Review
Hallo semuanya! Kali ini aku mau bahas soal Hada Labo Perfect 3D Gel, jadi beberapa minggu lalu aku dikirimin ini dari Sociolla. Kebetulan sekali kondisi kulit wajah aku lagi cukup kering, padahal tipe kulit aku itu normal, bukan kering. Jadi aku seneng banget waktu dikirimin ini karena it claims to be moisturizing, whitening, and also has anti aging formula. What a perfect solution, right? Mereka juga ngirimin aku Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion untuk dipakai sebelum Perfect 3D Gel. Which turned out to be a good combo. Ok sekarang aku bakal bahas satu satu :)
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Sigma Highlight Expert Brush Set & Dry 'n Shape Spa | Sephora ID
Minggu lalu aku dikirimin paket ini dari Sephora yang isinya saru set highlighting brush dan Dry'N Shape Spa. Seperti yang kalian tau Sigma itu salah satu brand yang sudah banyak digunakan oleh para make-up-artist dan beauty guru, jadi sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi kualitasnya dan sekarang produk dari Sigma sudah bisa didapatkan secara online di Sephora Indonesia lho!
Friday, November 25, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
My Morning Routine | Morning Flight Edition
Here's my morning routine, I hope you guys enjoy watching my video! <3 p="">
Thursday, June 23, 2016
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